Sunday, June 24, 2007

Stony Brook Idiocy and Beauracracy At Its Best

I have been keeping up with LunaChick's blogged Stony Brook struggles (University, that is) with her chosen discipline, with a very sympathetic eye. Or is it empathy? That particular institution has a way of making life difficult, way beyond what is absolutely necessary.

I have a new chapter in my personal saga. The department states you must have 75 days of student teaching to complete your certification. These 75 days must be completed by the end of Stony Brook semester. Now, their semester begins before the K-12 school year calendar begins, so this is a challenge, but our professor has lectured us on being responsible, not taking any sick days, blah blah blah. Ok. Well, I had my interviews with my 2 assigned school districts, during which I was given a school calendar. There are only 70 school days from Sept. 5 to Christmas break. The head of the department from my first assigned district kindly offered me a position in their summer ESL program, which happens Aug. 20-30. Even tho' it's only a few hours a day, this seemed a good fix, so I emailed my professor to confirm.

I just got the email back from my professor, who snottily informed me again, how I need to be professional and responsible in attending my assigned school, not taking off any time for myself, with insinuations to that effect. And no, that school-run summer program can't count...of course, I could volunteer my time if I wish. I'll just have to figure out how to make 75 days out of 70 (oh...and the days have to have at least 5 what do I do with early dismissal? More snottiness answered that point, as to my responsibility, or lack thereof.)

Is this what they call being between a rock and a hard place?


Luna said...

Ahhh-yes...all these young girls wanted field assignments in a school district (thinking it would be the easy way-with vacations and such), but we were told that the diffeence in the SB calendar and the district calendars would make for some finnagling as far as getting our required (by law) hours in.

Then they said that the districts do not WANT to let the interns go at the end of the SB semester because they need to follow-up until the end of the district school year.

I understand what you are talking about completely, and that SUCKS. Sucks that they are blaming it on you too.

Thank Goodness I wasn't interested in a school placement. You, on the other hand, have no choice.

And by the way, it was confirmed to me that ALL of my classes are in the Health Sciences Center (in the hospital). YAY! No traveling to the "other side".

Good luck with this BS! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

j-m said...

Thanks. I am now hearing that I have to treat some people with kid gloves, or else trouble later.

Luna said...

aaahhhhhh--politics. Honey, you can't escape it.

j-m said...

yes. why do I keep thinking I am immune?