Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ok, Call Me "Crazy", But...

Ok, call me "Crazy", but I just opened my mail and found a sale flyer for one of the drug store chains. It said, "Back To School Sale."

Am I the only one who thinks this is rushing things just a bit? I'm all for getting a bargain on notebooks and stuff...but I am not ready to think about this!!!

There's Halloween costumes with the back-to-school clothes, Christmas decorations put on sale with the Halloween candy, Valentines put out right after New Year's, and Easter stuff comes out almost simultaneously with Valentines Day. Do we really buy more this way?


Luna said...

Aaaaahhhhhhh...I can post here again. YAY!

I think it's INSANE that we're doing back to school anything right now. Please.

Know what I did last year? And I'm doing it again this summer, there are a lot of summer clothes on clearance right now, so, I've been picking stuff up, here and there, as I see it, and then socking it away, so that when Sept rolls around, the kids have all new clothes and it doesn't cost me a fortune. If you get sweatshirts, they can wear most of the summer stuff till late October.

Can't do that whole "mass rush" thing-shopping over labor day. No thanks.

The only thing I think IS worth it is the .01 stuff at some of the office stores, like notebooks and folders-because even if it's not what the kids need, I will use them.

The trick is to get in there-grab the penny stuff- and GET OUT without adding anything else to the basket.

j-m said...

Absolutely! I read all the sale flyers, and sock it all away. I hate shopping with mobs of people later.

Nan Patience said...

Thanks for the good tips.

I just want to know why it is that we're always supposed to be spending so much money. It's exhausting.

j-m said...

absolutely...and I hate doing it in parking, everybody's tense...I just wanna get in and get out. (Not a shopper by nature, I guess.)