Friday, February 29, 2008


After being politely pestered and nagged by my son's karate teacher, who loves to enlist positive peer pressure, to try out their adult kick boxing class, I finally gave in and went, on my only real night off in ages. I was a little nervous about going. I know a lot of the other parents go, and they look pretty in-shape to me. I have not been particularly successful in getting back to my pre-baby body, and Little Sir's 4 now! But, after staring critically at myself in the mirror in my exercise pants and t-shirt ("You look beeeyoooteeful," said Little Sir sweetly,) off I went.

It really was a great work-out, although not quite what I was expecting, and the instructor was very careful to repeatedly tell me not too push too hard my first night. I surprised myself by aggressively punching and kicking my imaginary attacker (the bag) in choreographed moves. It was fun! I can definitely see how this is a stress-buster, in more ways than one! The self-defense is a good skill to have, just in case...

Even tho' I didn't push too hard, and didn't try to do exactly what the class models did, I am sore today, in places I didn't think I would be. But I am proud of myself, and I think I just may stick with this, if I can just just figure out how to reasonably schedule it. It's important. I have to do this for myself (4 years of trying it my way, always putting my body last, has not worked.)



Natasha Beccaria said...

very cool JM! Ive heard kick boxing is fun, but i just dont think its for me. I just joined Curves again. sigh.

Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

Good for you j-m! I don't know if I could do it either. Walking is more my thing now. It is good to feel sore, that means you are working your muscles and making your muscles work, which means burning more calories :-)

j-m said...

I tried Curves for several months, when my youngest was a baby. It did nothing for me...I guess, I was more used to the rigors of the gym I'd been a member of before...had to stop a few months before he was born's orders. But, I really do like their idea. I've tried working out on my own, power walking, jogging...I am faithful for a few days, then get bogged down with my schedule, and it's too easy to not do it in favor of something "more important" (like work.) If I can find a way to juggle this, it will force me to go (once I pay, I go!)

MamaCole said...

I LOVE kick boxing. Definitely a stress buster. I remember taking a class at a time when I was kind of mad at my husband all the time. I used to visualize his head at the end of my fist. It was such a release!

But that was years ago...

Luna said...

Good for you lady! keep on keepin on.....I have been ITCHING to get my ass into a kickboxing class for some time now.

I think it would be perfect for me. besides, the little sneakers are so cute!