Monday, March 23, 2009

Tired of the Virus Cycle

Ugh! I have spent most of the past winter fighting one virus after another with Little Sir. The last one went on and on and on...and the doctors? Don't get me started.

The on-call ped. ""No point in bringing him in. It sounds viral, so just give him Motrin/Tylenol..."

ER dr. "After 4 days of 104, should be on antibiotic...prob. strep...we'll do a culture...also bloodwork for cocsachi, mono, etc., follow up on tonsillitis."

ENT: "Def. not tonsillitis. Yes, they're really enlarged with white spots, but that's just 'debris'"("debris?!??") "Culture's pos. for's a diff. antibiotic."

Ped: After 7 days 104 fever "Yay! It's not strep!" (but the ENT said it was and we're on another antibiotic.) "Ok, come in."

Ped. After 8 days 104 fever, "Yes, you do need to see someone else..." hook up to Infectious Diseases.

Inf. Dis. " wasn't strep. Never should've been on antiobiotics..." (after 3 rounds of that)..."prob. mono, but you're past the worst of it now , anyway. After 2 days fever-free can go back to schl. No recess or PE, tho', for a few weeks. Keep following up with Ped for liver/spleen check."

Are we done yet?

On the upside...we've been fever free for over a week now, he's eating again...lost about 7 lbs, ane when you're barely 44 lbs. to start with, and underweight, this isn't a good thing.

It's spring. I declare Health reigns!