Saturday, August 25, 2007

Unexpected Free Time

After a particularly stressful week, coming at the end of a terribly stressful month, I had a busy day scheduled. There really wasn't much room for additional emergencies thrown into the mix, and I was trusting the Almighty that He'd deemed my quota of such things FULL.

The phone rang at 7:15 this morning, after I'd showered and dressed to go to my first appointment. It was a mom cancelling our 2 hour session (she has 4 kids, so I teach them back-to-back.) That was followed by another cancellation call...these people had emergencies of their own...perhaps the universe was still desperate to disperse the back log of crises, but at least they weren't being distributed in MY direction...for a change.

Ok. So, I was ready to face the world, but had nowhere to rush to. What to do with this unexpected bonus of free time? Don't waste it! Well, first and foremost must come a cup of tea. Ahhhhh...yes. Then sit and savor my lilies for a few minutes, while I waited for the kettle to boil. (DD gave me a huge bouquet of various shades of pink lilies for my birthday, just before she went away to college...sniff...) These lilies only had a few open blossoms when she gave them to me a week ago, and had a lot of really tight buds. Now, they are an absolute riot of deep burgundy, dark maroon, pinks, mauves, some with curly white-tipped petal edges, some with smooth edges, with orangey-yellow pollen dust and dark green foliage. There are 21 fully-opened blossoms right now, with others still waiting to show their true colors. And the fragrance! Sooo beautifully pungent, spicy and sweet, almost cinnamony, and not allergy-inducing (which is always a plus!)

Tea made, I settled in front of the computer to take care of odds and ends of paperwork for school and business. The morning quiet was lovely...DH worked a late shift last night, coming home in the wee hours of the morning, so I'd let Little Sir stay up really late...they could both sleep in a bit.

Paperwork done, I checked the clock...the library was open by now, so I thought I'd pop over and do my printing there, to keep it quiet. Also got to do my library errands, including entering the raffle for the adult summer reading club (maybe I'll win dinner at a restaurant!)

Now, I'm all done, and I still have some time before my next commitment.
Unexpected free time is a wonderful thing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Just a General Announcement...I Am Not Ready To Go Back To School!!!

Aaaaaack!!! This unseasonably cool spell we've been having is making me realize just how numbered my days of summer are. I still have so much school prep. stuff to do, and I still didn't get to do all the obligatory visiting I'd planned on, before I drop off the radar Sept. 5th.

Everything was going pretty smoothly, before my father-in-law got so sick. Since then, it's been like dominoes falling down, one after the other after the other. Every time the phone rings, I cringe. Not another crisis! No more emergencies! No more cars breaking down, no more additional paperwork requests from school, no more "oops, your daughter's financial aid didn't go through" emails, no more "You HAVE to deal with this IMMEDIATELY!" envelopes in the mail. Not another call to cancel and reschedule an appointment, just when I've got my whole calendar making sense. No more. Enough.

I want some more bubbles and beach days. Actually, I think I need a few. Or two. Or, I'd even settle for one.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bubbles and The Beach

It has been a week since we lost my father-in-law. From the horrible days preceding his death, trying desperately to get him to the right doctor, the right hospital, and all that, to now, life has stopped in the normal sense of things. But, in a strange way, it has been a new beginning.

I find I mark time...Before he died, and After he died. It is one of those significant milestones, like my mom's death in 1998.

Since his death, my husband has been in the traditional 40 days of mourning, which, among other things, means no t.v. Now, for me, this is no tragedy. I don't really like t.v., anyway, and cancelled the subscription to the cable-giant-conglomerate years ago. I just borrow videos/DVDs from the library weekly for Little Sir 4-Year-Old, and sometimes one for us. But it is quieter without it, and I find we talk a whole lot more. More than we've talked since before we got married...another milestone, by which I mark time. I remember DH and I talking for hours and hours, on the phone, face to face, about absolutely everything...and sometimes just sitting companionably together quietly.

Today, after a loonnng day doing research at Stony Brook, my first real day away from DH and Little Sir, I came home to a hot late afternoon. Little Sir wanted to blow the bubbles we'd bought yesterday, and so we did.

What is it about blowing bubbles, exactly? It is so incredibly relaxing. My dad taught Little Sir to catch the bubbles with the bubble wand, and then re-blow them. Sometimes this makes them into big bobbling bubble-clumps, and sometimes into teeeny tiny singles. Little Sir is always delighted by this, and chases them all over the yard, losing them eventually under the huge maple, or up through its leaves, depending on the wind.

When he'd had enough of the bubbles, it was still early enough to catch a little beach time before the sun set, so we trouped off. At the bay, there was a little tidal pool, just beginning to refill with the incoming tide. In it, we found lots of tiny little bait fish, and one teensy green crab. Little Sir jumped the mini waves, ran through the foam, and wading out waist-deep. It was absolutely delightful. We found a few hermit crabs, tho' not the horseshoes I was looking for. The teacher in me made sure not to miss the opportunity to point out the different types of seaweeds, sea lettuce and eelgrass, and DH just sat and absorbed the peace.

It was one of those Kodak moments...a snapshot of life, that is so infinitely precious. Bubbles and the beach...bring peace.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Taking A Little Time Out

I regret to say that I'm going to take a break from this blog for a fews days or so. I will probably still read everybody's else's, and any comments here, but won't write much.

Friday I got a call from my Dear Husband while at work. He was sobbing, having just learned that his father was dying. I came straight home, and the following 48 hours were a whirlwind of long distance calls, trying to assess the situation in Turkey, and figure out what to do next. So many decisions to make, regarding doctors, hospitals, money, etc.

By Sunday evening, things seemed to be looking up. We had researched what medical information we'd been given on the internet, and had a better idea of what we were facing. It looked like a difficult haul ahead, but not an impossible one. DH had hopes of Little Sir having many happy memories still to come with his Dede (deh-deh), Turkish for "paternal grandfather."

We started the arduous process of trying to cut through legal and international red tape, so DH could be with his father through this. Step by step, we tackled item by item.

Then DH was awakened early this morning with an awful feeling in his chest. He called Turkey, and learned his father had just had a heart attack. Shortly thereafter, my father-in-law died of a cerebral aneurysm.

I am asking for prayer for our family, and for the difficult days ahead. Also, I am asking for prayer for my husband, that he be allowed to visit with his family and be there for the appropriate mourning ceremonies, and be allowed to return here afterward. I realize the wheels of the immigration system run exceedingly slowly, but some Divine Intervention would be greatly appreciated right about now.

Thank you.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Resting Post

Sometimes in the busy-ness of my life, Nature takes me by surprise, and puts it all in perspective. Right outside my kitchen window, that overlooks the sink, there is a gate in the fencing, leading to the backyard. Directly in my line of vision is one of the fenceposts to this gate, and it seems to be a resting post for my little feathered friends. Sometimes, a catbird will call from that post, sometimes a cardinal. Chickadees, blue jays, titmice, doves, various wrens and sparrows all take a turn to stop at the resting post, and look into my window.

This morning, in my slightly-running-lateness, I caught a robin staring at me, having recently fluffed himself out, sitting on the resting post. He seemed inquisitive, wondering at my scurryings. To him, the whirlwind of my thoughts would be insignificant. None of my problems have any relevance to his life at all.

If the Almighty can take care of a little one such as this, and this little one can be so unconcerned by the big issues of life that plague me, then perhaps I need a mental, attitudinal adjustment. All my worrying and scurrying makes for stress, which is nothing but destructive.

To that end, I am taking a note from the resting post, and finding resting time, myself.

Technologically Challenged

It is no secret, to those who know me, that I am technologically challenged. I am currently struggling with trying to post pics of our schoolbus RV on Ebay. I was able to get some on from a file on my desktop, but others, that I'd emailed as an attachment, from a digital camera, I can't seem to get from my email to desktop, to then transfer to Ebay.

This is so frustrating. Any advice?