Monday, October 16, 2006

I had something nice just happen tonight, and I have to write about it.

I'm back in college, adding some more letters after my name, and trying to juggle everything well. I always feel like I'm not quite cutting papers are not researched quite well enough, not proofread carefully enough, my presentations not interesting enough...and then, there's real life...the house not quite clean enough, not spending enough time with DH, my dad, and each of my 3 offspring...not exercising enough, not remembering to take my vitamins often enough, blah blah blah.
(can I add not sleeping enough???)

Well, tonight I had a presentation to do...the second of 3 students who were to present. The first young woman got up, with perky little handouts, looking like a perfectly groomed executive. The one after me introduced a guest at the conclusion of her speech, who blew everyone away.

And there was me, sandwiched in the middle. Dressed nice, but feeling dumpy...awkwardly stumbling over my words, as happens when I get nervous...forcing myself to make eye contact, and always looking at the WRONG person (someone yawning, or whispering to their neighbor, or looking like they were textmessaging.) I got through it, just like I always do. "Endure to the end!", that's my motto.

Well...after class, the professor asked me to stay for a minute. My heart started pounding. Oh no. What did I do wrong? Did I research the wrong topic? Say something off color?

She turned to me and said, "I just have to tell you, that was an excellent presentation. Your research was so thoroughly done, and everything you said was so interesting! I really enjoyed it."

Wow. Well, knock me over with a feather. I managed to smile, and politely say, "Thank you," before bolting from the room. Wow!

Just thought I'd write it all down, and savor the moment, before I tackle my next chore. Studying for tomorrow's Phonetics exam. Ugh.

1 comment:

Nan Patience said...

How nice!!