Thursday, August 13, 2009

European Toilets - To Pay or Not to Pay

I have a vague memory of pay-toilets in Italy in 1983. I dıdn't have much need for them, so it wasn't much of an issue. On our road trip to Sivas, it was another story. Every time the bus stopped on our 14 hour Metro-bus trek (very nice, made by Mercedes Benz), we'd all troup out and use the potty. At each one, there was someone in a little booth collecting coins. It's cheap...probably about 20 cents, but still...what if you don't have any money on you? I haven't actually seen any homeless, but what about them? And, for having to pay for it, you'd think they'd always be clean and well-stocked. Not so. Just like American publıc restrooms, some were nice and some were really horrible and stinky.

Anyway, a word to the wise. In many European countries, you have to always have money in your pocket, just in case you hafta go!

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