Friday, December 15, 2006

I haven't blogged much lately, because I was having trouble with this blog. My posts kept not showing up. I see this past one (now over a week old) has finally arrived, so I've decided to try again.

I have discovered a new love. I do not subscribe to the cable conglomerate, and rather borrow videos and DVDs from the library for our down-time relaxation. About a month ago, my library had a new DVD: the British mystery/drama series Rosemary & Thyme. It is wonderful! Each of the DVDs holds 3 episodes...and after the first DVD, I was addicted. I love everything. The opening scene is a bouquet of flowers on time-lapse photography (which I always love!) This becomes a bouquet of rosemary and thyme. All this happens with a background of a beautiful version of "Scarborough Fair" played by John Williams on classical guitar. It is absolutely lovely.

The show is about two middle-aged ladies who are horticultural specialists. They rescue beautiful English gardens that've overgrown and such, and they inevitably stumble onto murders, which they solve, of course.
After the first DVD, I returned it to find (oh joy!) another one! After a few weeks of hard-core university research, I finally got a break and went back to the library to find they'd gotten 2 more! These are as delightful as the first 2.

So...if any of you enjoys Agatha Christie or any of the more recent British crime dramas (can't remember any names...sorry), then this will be right up your alley. I only wish my mom were here to share it with me. She'd have liked it too.

Happy rest-of-December, and may your holiday family happenings be blessed!


Luna said...

Happy Holidays to you too Jean Marie. Glad to see you are "back"!

j-m said...

Thank you. I'm technologically challenged, it seems. Never know why I can't get the simplest things to work, when nobody else has any trouble. It's pretty sad when my elementary school students help ME program my own cell phone! Now, the great blog monster is fighting me. Ah well. We all have our occasional struggles.