Friday, April 04, 2008

My To-Do List

I suddenly feel the urge to make a to-do list. Not the kind of errand-ing to-do know, "pick up the dry cleaning, get milk, go to the post office, clean the oven, fix the screen door..." kind of list. I mean, an Eventually To-Do List. Things I've always wanted to do but either couldn't afford, or didn't have time for yet, or needed the right person to do it with, or some other qualification. So, I'm gonna start one right here. It may be updated periodically. Feel free to start your own here, or add suggestions to mine. It's so much fun to share.

1. Go cross-country skiing (Always wanted to do this...actually, when I was younger I wanted to do downhill, but after back injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome, I figure cross country is safer, and better exercise...and easier to share with.)

2. Scuba dive in Hawaii

3. Really learn Turkish well (have made so many half-hearted attempts...)

4. Get back the French and Italian I've lost, then increase fluency

5. Get published in a scholarly journal (maybe TESOL???)

6. Learn how to reallly play "Blackbird" (Paul McCartney)

7. See the Swiss Alps

8. Finally reach my ideal weight/fitness level

ok. your turn.


Mom of 3 said...

Those are great! I was thinking about doing the kick boxing with you, I need a bolster because I am very unmotivated.
And there are several of us wanting to get recertified for SCUBA... catch up with me on that one after the kids' SCUBA class on Monday...oh this is so exciting! You are wonderful!

Nan Patience said...

It must be nice to get to a place where you can think about this sort of list.

j-m said...

Y'know, Nan, for most of my life, I have been focused on everybody's else's needs, and put myself on the back burner. Then, I went back to grad school, and that was all-consuming. Now, done with that, and having gained wayyyyyyy too much weight doing it, I know I have to make my fitness a priority. If it's not on the schedule, it's not getting done. It's so easy to cancel what I need to do for me, when other things pop up, but I am trying not to do that. If for no other reason, I'm interviewing now, and most of the prof. clothes in my closet don't fit!

So, while I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that, I'm thinking about what other goals I haven't realized, because they were put on the back burner, too. Of course, it may take me years to accomplish these goals, they are do-able sometime in my future.

Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

Great list! I often feel like I am too far away from making a list like yours (future goals) because my children are still very young and I am not sure if I am done having them. If I had to make a list of things to accomplish for the next 12 months, I would keep the weight loss at the top and take care of myself better. I am so consumed with taking good care of my children that my health falls back to the bottom. After being away on vacation, I realized that I need more of that in my life and we are looking to plan a long weekend vacation over the summer. The last thing on my 12 month list is to get my house better organized. That may just take 12 months!

Nice post :-)

Natasha Beccaria said...

i did my big one in 2006.... Europe! Not that i won't go back, but it was definitely a big one to check off.

fitness is a real issue for me too. I wish i could figure it out...

Did you see the Bucket List? Great movie!

Anonymous said...

JM -
Yip - I have had a "bucket list" (haven't seen the movie yet - but had the list for years) we have checked things off (monte just did his balloon ride) as we travel and find a place where we can a)do the thing and b)afford it and c)find a sitter if necessary!!
It reminds me that i am worth something - even if it just a list!
Put a few small things on your list (a facial, massage, canoe ride somewhere new....) so you can scratch something off every now and then.
how about a visit to New Hampshire this summer(hehe)

j-m said...

Hello my friend, Janet! Yes, I agree with the little things...facial sounds good right about now. I had an impromptu massage about 2 weeks of those 15 min. chair massages being offered at the coffee shop (East Enders). It was wonderful. My DD strongly recommends pedicures. As someone one her feet a lot (waitress), it's a really special treat. I just don't know how I'd do...I'm a big ticklish. I do have a standing hair appt. every 3 weeks, even if it's just a touch-up. (also an excuse to see Patty...otherwise we rarely do!)