Saturday, April 19, 2008

Enough is Enough

Right after my last blog post, a series of really crappy incidents occurred...a sort of ratwheel of unpleasant events that just keeps spinning and spinning. I've thought about different ways to blog about it, and have come up dry. So, I'll just gripe a little.

It all started when my dear friend/surrogate mom, Carole Rucci, finally lost the ultimate fight with cancer. I will write another whole entry devoted to her, as befits the absolutely incredible woman she was. But for now, suffice it to say, the night I got the call that she was really at the end this time, was the beginning of the dominoes going down.

One thing after the other, until tonight, when the carwash guy drove my car off the carwash machine-rollers and slammed it into a 5-day-old Prius. Yeah. Insurances companies are gonna have a field day with this one. (And, it was only a few weeks ago, I had to call mine to tell them I'd been smashed by a hit-and-run while in the pediatrician's office.)

So, I am now officially saying, Enough Is Enough! I am ready for the next phase to begin, the one that brings positive events, thoughts, feelings, blessings, you name it. It's time, already.


Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

Oh J-M I am so sorry to hear all of that, especially about the close person in your life who passed away. Things do get better. I think they say that things happen in 3's, but sometimes when 5 or 6 crappy things happen, you feel like it is never going to end. Hang in there and everything will get better :-)

Nan Patience said...

I'm so sorry about your friend.

Natasha Beccaria said...

UGH I'm so sorry about your friend.

I hope the car wash people have good liability insurance, cause they are the ones who should be paying for the damages.

Jen said...

Just remember---you have many people who love you! So sorry about all these things, and I'll be hoping everything works out!

Luna said...

Sending love and light your way JM, startinnnnnggggggg...

NOW!!! :)

MamaCole said...

So sorry about your friend. I know exactly how you feel. It's so hard to get out of it. But you will.

Sometimes you can't force the next phase. You have to really stay in the grieving stage for longer that you might want to. Let it be. Be where you are.

Lots of prayers and good thoughts....

j-m said...

Thanks everybody for your kind thoughts, words, prayers. I know grief comes in stages.

Right now, just had my daughter's graduation in Florida, which was beautiful and a real time of blessings...time with her, seeing all her favorite places, sharing another piece of her life, and having some real good down-time with friends.
God was merciful, and none of the things I was dreading about the trip happened.

Four days of happiness is a really good thing.