Sunday, February 18, 2007

February Doldrums

I agree with Natasha from her "Thinking Out Loud" blog. This weather is making me fat!

I just cannot make myself go out walking or jogging when I can feel the flesh of my face freeze after 5 minutes. The last time I tried, I was covered up to the eyelids, breathing through my favorite, soft scarf. Well, my breath caused condensation inside my scarf, and this condensation quickly froze. I then had tiny ice beads scraping my face as I plodded along. I was afraid to go too fast, for fear of hitting a patch of ice and ending up on my butt, hurting something.

I am always cold, except when driving my car, which has had ample time to heat up. At home, I'm trying not to call the oil man too soon, so the thermostat's as low as I can stand it. I periodically jump around the house, warming up and burning a few calories. But my basic survival has been drinking lots and lots of hot beverages...and all I want to eat is comfort food...potatoes (baked boiled, mashed, I don't care as long as they're hot!), chocolate (especially in the form of warm chocolate chip cookies), warm grandmotherly things like nutbreads and pumpkin muffins...I'm fantacizing about this stuff!

Meanwhile, the scale is creeping up IN THE WRONG DIRECTION! Ugh. You'd think all this cold would be making me burn extra calories, but apparently not enough. And, in the evening, all I want to do is get under the covers and watch a movie. (I've been a regular at the library's video/DVD shelf.)
Now, repeat after me...
I am not a couch potato
I am not a couch potato.

Maybe I'll make a pot of chicken soup with lots of veggies. It's hot and comforting, and nutritious, but not fattening.



Nan Patience said...

do you have a good recipe for the pumpkin muffins?...

j-m said...

I have to go back to my trusty Fanny Farmer cookbook, with all my handwritten notes if you're serious...