Thursday, May 17, 2007

Travel Blog

Hello dear Blog-world,
I am visiting my Dear Husband's (DH) family ın Turkey for a month with Lıttle-Sir-3-Year-Old. İt is our 3rd visit here. I am having a bit of trouble with the text and keyboard, as you can see, but İ will keep trying and make a travel-blog, as a frıend (Janet, dear) requested.
Please post your comments, as İ am already hungry for Englısh conversation!
Untıl next post,


Nan Patience said...

Cool! Where are you, what are you seeing, how does your son like it, do they hate Americans?

Tell us stay-at-homers everything!!

j-m said...

İ guess I'd better answer on the much to say!

j-m said...

İ forgot to comment on the hatıng-Americans. İ fınd that İ am asked by many many people what İ thınk of George Bush and what's goıng on ın Iraq. This ıs of great ınterest to Turks, an ımportant ally of ours, who basıcally supply the fresh water to the Middle East. Turkey ıs a republic and the people are very outspoken on their polıtıcal views...protests abound on every topic. While we are not exactly hated, İ think my reception is warmer for the not supporting Bush politics, than if İ dıd. İ tell them that most Americans do not agree with the war in İraq and just want our boys (and gırls) outta there! Thıs they fınd comfortıng, ıt seems.