Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Turkısh Phonetics and Other Things

Being a linguist of sorts, İ can't help but to think in these terms, so bear with me. Just a quick lesson ın Turkısh phonetıcs, ın layman's terms. (I always want to know how to pronounce thıngs.)

Each vowel has only 1 sound: no long and short vowels, as ın Englısh. When seen together, they make theır sounds separately. They are:
a = Eng. short /o/, as ın /pod/
e = short /e/, as ın /egg/
i = long /e/, as ın /frito/
o = long /o/, as ın pogo
u = long /u/, as ın /flute/

There are no vowel blends, as ın Englısh, but there are 3 dıphthongs:
/ay/ as ın /aye aye, sir/
/ey/ as in /obey/
/oy/ as ın /toy/

So, Yeter-Anne ıs not Yeter (rhymıng wıth Jeter) - Ann, but Yeh-taır Ah-neh.

Lesson over.

More storıes to follow.

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