Saturday, December 22, 2007

Bogged Down in Paperwork

I just realized it's been over a week since I've posted anything. I had no idea how time consuming all this certification paper-processing could be. Just when you think you're finished, there's another stack to deal with. Ugh. I just want to clear off my desk already! I have company coming!

My last day of student teaching at Sachem High School East was yesterday. I have some nice photos, and the kids gave me a card that they all signed, and a gift certificate to the teacher supply store. (I also got a Starbuck's gift certificate from Secret Santa!)

I am soooo glad it's over. All in all, both my placements (elementary and secondary) went pretty smoothly, and I met some great professional people and some pretty cool kids, too. There are some who are ESL success little Vietnamese Tracy who came in 9th grade not speaking a word of English. Now, she's out of ESL, in 12th grade, and taking AP Chemistry and other challenging stuff. She's on her way to a medical career.

But there are others, SIFE kids, mostly, (Students with Interrupted Formal Education) who came with little or no prior educational experience. Some of these are just biding their time in school, bewildered by the work, wishing they were elsewhere. The system as it is now is not doing them any favors. Take the Regents? Are you kidding? Why not just give them a they can function in the real world.

As in any career, there are real frustrations, and rewarding moments, too. I'm glad I've landed in this profession, and trust I'll have a full-time job soon. Until then, I have time to reconnect with people and catch up on my life. I also have to prepare for the April TESOL convention, where I am going to be a presenter (ugh.)

Happy Holidays, everybody. I hope 2008 is wonderful for all of us!

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