Saturday, June 07, 2008


I keep promising myself that I will successfully have a little garden this year...haven't had a decent one in a few years...lots of obstacles, including t-i-m-e. But I hate weeds and areas of no flowers or anything. So, today, after previous prep work, Little Sir and I got the patio tomatoes in the ground, and some bright yellow marigolds, which, I hear, keep the rabbits from eating your veggies. Hope that's true.

The hanging strawberry plants I bought at a fundraiser haven't shown signs of life yet. It sounded like a good idea, but what arrived was a bag of dead-looking plants and this tablet of instant peat-moss or something, that, with a period of watering, grows up to fill the basket with potting soil of a type...including some stuff that looks like what's inside disposable diapers...those silicone-looking beads that absorb the liquid. Hmmm. We'll see.

We have a groundhog, or whatever you call those beaver-otter-ish looking rodents that pop up on the side of the road, eating grass and stuff, that hibernated the winter under our front porch. I only discovered it in early spring, when at dawn, he was out scrounging around for something green to eat in the lawn. Periodically he can be seen at dawn or dusk, but quickly scuffles away back under there whenever something startles him. Anyway, I hope he doesn't like my garden, either.


Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

woodchuck, ugh. We have them here too and I am not very fond of them. The destroyed my garden last year. They made a home under my herbs and I lost so many plants. I had a mess. They went so far down that they brought up the sand and my nice organic soil was gone that I worked so hard to get just right. I will sprinkle around hair (our hair clippings after a haircut), which has worked on my other plants. It is supposed to carry the human scent and keep the animals away. I am gonna try with my vege's since it worked with my other plants. Good luck with yours :-)

j-m said...

Hair, huh? Worth a try. Do they tunnel like moles? I didn't realize that.

It's been so long since I've had a moment to even attempt a garden...don't want to be sabotaged.