Saturday, June 28, 2008

Anna and the King

My, but it's been a long time since I've written here. The end of the school year rush, summer preparations, and still rounds of interviews, waiting to see where I will be in September.

Tonight, I gave myself the evening off and borrowed the DVD, "Anna and the King." I've wanted to see this since it was originally in theatres, 9 years ago! It was everything I'd hoped it would be and more. Absolutely beautiful, and touching, and thought-provoking on so many levels.

If you haven't seen it in a long time, or never did in the first place, check out "Anna and the King." You'll be glad you did.


Anonymous said...

Don't post this--It's just that sometimes I don't think you get my emails....I sent you check your junk box if you don't see it :):):):)


Nan Patience said...

Did you ever see August Rush about the little boy looking for his parents, with the music? We just got it from the library and LOVED it. I thought of you, our blogger music teacher.

j-m said...

Yes I saw it! I love that movie! Several of my students recommended it. It is truly amazing! I love the scene of him in the park when he first really gets rolling with the guitar. Have to add it to my favorite movie list.

Nan Patience said...

I can almost feel that kind of magic in the universe, sometimes. At a couple of points in the movie, I looked out the window and got a reality check. It wasn't quite like in the movie. I think art elevates existence and makes the everyday more extraordinary and transformative. I'd like to have more of that, but on the other hand, survival and daily living don't always make that practical--or the sane choice.