Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Shoe Books

Ever since I saw You've Got Mail (the first time) I've wanted to check out the "shoe" books. Remember the part of the movie, after Meg Ryan's character has already lost her little bookstore to the big Barnes and Noble-type, where's she's just browsing around, like a customer and ends up in the children's section? A customer asks one of the sales-kids (who has no knowledge of anything bookish whatsoever) about the "shoe books," and Meg pipes up with the author and the titles.

Well, I finally got to them, I don't know how many years later. (I love that movie, and I've seen it several times.) Even tho' I am still plowed under with necessary reading for my school jobs, I just had to squeeze them in.

So far, I have read Noel Streatfield's Ballet Shoes and Theater Shoes. (Sorry, I can't figure out how to underline these titles with this program.) I got them through interlibrary loan, of course, and you can, too! I am waiting for Dancing Shoes to come in, but I expect it to be just as lovely as the first two.

I recommend these books particularly for girls (altho' Theater Shoes could be for a boy,) probably between the ages of 8-13, depending upon reading ability. They're really good stories, intelligent, and moral without being preachy, if you know what I mean.

j-m's rating: **** (4 stars!)



Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

I wonder if they would be appropriate for my 7 yr old? She has started chapter books and is always looking for something to read. I love interlibrary loans...I am still waiting for some movies from August! They are slowly coming in here and there.

j-m said...

Subject manner-wise, they are appropriate. For independent reading, I don't know what her skill level is, but with help, team reading with you, it'd be fun, I think. I wish I had known about them when my DD was 2nd-3rd grade. (She loved the American Girls! And then, the Betsy, Tacy and Tib books.))

Mom of 3 said...

JR just bought Ballet Shoes at Bookhampton last week. Of course I am late in my blog reading, I could have saved her some dollars!

Liz Miller said...

Try her others, if you can find them: Skating Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Family Shoes. Also, she wrote LOTS of other books that don't fall in the Shoes series.