Sunday, November 30, 2008



Can we please knock it off with the precipitation, already? I left the house this morning in snow, which turned to hail, then rain, then sleet, then rain again...oh, no...sleet...back and forth, back and forth...driving with the wipers on, with the defroster on...getting soggier with every stop...

I'm tired of walking around in soggy clothes and squishy shoes.

Just sayin'...


Nan Patience said...

Right there with ya on that!

Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

If we are going to have precipitation, can it be in the form of snow? And lots of it, just once, before Christmas?

Luna said...

See, I'm kind of enjoying the rainy stuff. I do NOT like this 55 degree in December nonsense. I have nice turtlenecks I want to wear.