Monday, November 17, 2008

Still Alive

Yikes! It's been a whole month since I've posted. Doesn't feel that long. Life is just zipping by.

Been absolutely swamped with family paperwork issues...I hate this, dread this...taxes and forms for all kinds of things, that shoulda been done a while ago, but I kept putting off...appointments for things I don't want to deal with. Yuck. It's a full-time job trying to do this part of my life, on top of the 1 1/2 full-time jobs I already have!

And, thanks to new medical benefits (yay!) we are all going to lots of doctor appointments for things that have been put off 'til we could afford it. (How do you say, "I love my new root canal?" like you mean it?)


Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

Good to "see" you jm :-)

Time does go by too fast and I often find myself wondering why I didn't do those things I kept putting off...and they all seem to add up, don't they?

Nan Patience said...

Blogging: procrastination method extraordinaire!

Always good to hear from you, LITM!

Natasha Beccaria said...

good to see (er hear....errr read) from you Jm!

j-m said...

Thanks, Ladies. It's nice to be read :)