Saturday, January 20, 2007

Getting Healthy

One of my student's mothers told me about stinging nettle (a natural sub. for Sudafed for sinus congestion), and exercises to stimulate my thalmus glad and drain my lymph nodes (can ya tell I'm sounding really nasally and in need of health-tips?) Tonight, DH bought some dried linden flowers & leaves, and made tea. I checked that out on the internet, and it's got lots of medicinal benefits, too.

I'm so tired of flu season. Please tell me exactly what I have to drink/eat/take to finally get all this crap out of my system, out of my house, and have my family and myself sickness free!!! All of our hands are like sandpaper from washing, washing, washing...I've disinfected and bleached every household surface...we've drunk gallons of healthful fluids, enought to float a barge...

Don't get me wrong, I love the particular beauties of winter, especially after a new snowfall, but...
Is it spring yet?


Luna said...

I feel your pain. My hands are bleeding here.

One of the wonderful side effects of Sudafed are the fantastic nosebleeds...and now, you can't even get the good stuff without a blood sample. This PE nonsense they are selling is definitely not as good, though I am less jittery on it.

When you come up with the magic potion, please share.....pass along your newfound wisdom, oh great medicine woman.

j-m said...

Ah, Lunachick, it's good to hear from you again! I was getting lonely here in Blogworld.
Still haven't found The Magic Potion, but keep getting tips...the latest is lavender oil...supposed to be very relaxing, esp. w/children (Johnson's puts it in special baby products)...the relaxing is supp. to ease cold symptoms. Haven't tried it yet...just got the tip tonite.
I think I need stock in Kleenex. We're definitely doing our part to keep them in business. (If I hear one more time, "Can I please have a tissue?"...)
For my hands and lips (and Little Sir-3-Year-Old's skin around his mouth and nose from all the tissues), I've resorted to straight A & E ointment. I slather it on my hands and feet after washing with warm water, then cover with socks and go to bed. Helps with the cracks in my skin.
It's still only January, right? I feel like I have end-of-the winter skin already.

Luna said...

I just bought the industrial size Purell for my desk at work--and you know what? I put it in a really accessible spot, and other people are using it in the office...ahh...the power of suggestion.

j-m said...

ya gotta love it...I have a tube of antibacterial hand lotion in my bag, and when I take it out during night classes, everyone around me wants some.