Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Mouse Hunt

We are being invaded again. Part of the joy of living on a country road, across the street from the river, surrounded by trees, is that we see deer regularly, have lots of migratory songbirds, ducks and geese. Another part is that our garbage cans are regularly raided by raccoons (we keep them locked in the shed, but they have to go out on garbage day, and the truck seems to come about 4:30 a.m.) Possums get run over on our street pretty regularly, and that's not a pretty sight.

We also have regular invasions by
the ants

I always thought people with mice in their houses were dirty people who left food out all over the place. Since living in this house, I've learned that any old house (ours is over 100) has lots of little holes for mice to get in, and in cold weather, they make it their business to get in and be warm. We have diligently plugged up any small crevice we've found with steel wool, and finally, I announced last week, that we've finally gotten through a whole winter without a mouse sighting.

And then, I came home Saturday, to the happy announcement from my DH that he saw a large one escaping behind the stove. No telltale droppings, which is how we usually knew they were here. But he said it was so big, it had trouble getting through the small opening between the stove and the brick chimney.


"Big" probably means pregnant. Oh goody.

So, the war ensued. DH has taken to all sorts of ingenious trapping ( I won't use poison.) This mouse is very very smart. It has managed to eat the peanut butter bait from the traps, leaving them un-triggered. DH, on the other hand, has caught his fingers in the traps a few times, just baiting and setting them. He's tried different types.

Well, finally, I was greeted this morning by his success. Yuck. I won't touch it. It's his job. He can remove that carcass. Yuck.

Now, why is it, that I love nature, and get a kick out of watching squirrels gathering and eating acorns and things, stuffing their little pouches, and get all excited when I see a chipmunk...but I freak out when there's a mouse in my house? If I saw the same mouse Outside, say eating birdseed on the stoop or something, I'd think it was cute, and would watch it for awhile. But in my kitchen is a different matter altogether. And, I'm scared it will come under the bedroom door when we're sleeping. When my hand hangs over the side of the mattress, I get creeped-out, thinking it's sniffing my hand. Ew!!!

I am an enigma to myself.


Nan Patience said...

"I am an enigma to myself," that's good, save the best til last, aye?

I hope you're ready for the hate mail from the mouse lovers!!

j-m said...

Yes, I thought of that while I was writing. I can't have them running around my kitchen, though. If only they just wouldn't come IN.

Luna said...

Whatever with the mouse lovers-there's only one way to get rid of them, and everybody knows it-they're just too PC to say it.

The ants made their debut recently here. UUUUGGGHHHHH!

j-m said...

About the ants...I've bought traps (these are the little tiny sugar-ants), and it doesn't seem to phase them at all. They seem to be swarming in the bathroom. Starting to make an appearnace in the kitchen now, too. They seem to come for water. Any other ideas of how to get rid of them???

Natasha Beccaria said...

i know someone who has ant problems and she puts out this stuff thats sticky and tasty on some fin foil and it attracts them... unfortunately for them.. they also get stuck there and die.

Have you seen my posts on my mouse endeavors? LOL. I hate killing mice so i used humane traps. Some people told me i was crazy but i just couldnt do it... especially the sticky pads..ughhh. What an aweful way to end a life...

Natasha Beccaria said...

thats TIN foil.. not fin foil... HA HA HA HA!

j-m said...

I tried the humane mouse traps, but then, i figured I was just putting the mice back outside so they could come back into the house. I agree, glue traps are awful...the others are at least quicker.
As to ants...I don't want to attract more...I picked up my toilet plunger, and there must've been 50 at least under there. What were they doing? Building a new home??? The ant traps are supposed to be poison that they bring back to their nests, but that's only slowed them down a little.
I'll just conquer this, and it'll be time for the carpenter ants to make their annual appearance.

Luna said...

I think those ant bait things make them stronger, I swear it!

j-m said...


The latest in the saga...3 days after being seemingly mouse-free...DH told me he was in the living room watching soccer, middle of the afternoon, sunny inside...he feels something looking at him. A baby mouse was sitting in the middle of the floor staring at him. Of course, the second he moved, it took off.

Now they're in the liv. rm. too. He put traps all over the floor, and we went out for the rest of the afternoon / evening. Caught nothing.

Now, I'm frantic about having things chewed on...I found a cotton glove with its finners all chewed up, and a t-shirt of my little one's, too. I can't hide all our clothes in suitcases!

Natasha Beccaria said...

When you catch the mouse with a humane trap you have to bring them atleast a mile away....

see my Creature Feature posts...





Luna said...

And when you use the trap that works, you don't have to make that trip and you'll never see the critter again. :)

j-m said...

Who knew this topic could be so interesting? The latest is, empty traps for a few days, but DH saw one on Sun., so there's at least one hiding somewhere. Ugh.