Saturday, August 04, 2007

Technologically Challenged

It is no secret, to those who know me, that I am technologically challenged. I am currently struggling with trying to post pics of our schoolbus RV on Ebay. I was able to get some on from a file on my desktop, but others, that I'd emailed as an attachment, from a digital camera, I can't seem to get from my email to desktop, to then transfer to Ebay.

This is so frustrating. Any advice?


Nan Patience said...

Open the email, click "save attachments" from your File menu, it will ask you where you want to save them, so browse through to where you want to save them. Click OK. They will then be saved where you designated, and you can upload them to eBay.

What about the Long Island Craig's List. That might be a good place to list it, too.

Good luck with all that Jean-Marie...

j-m said...

Thanks, Nancy. I did all that...then couldn't find them, even after a search. Re-did it about 4 times. Now I have them, and can't figure out how to add pics to an existing Ebay ad.

Anyway...I always email the pics to people who've asked questions.

I'm gonna try Craig's List now.

Luna said...

Hold your horses, I'm about ready to buy that thing off you and take a road trip!!!!

Well, ok, maybe not, but every time you mention the vehicle, I get the same idea.

A girl can dream, can't she?

j-m said...

For some reason, when my Ebay ad was about to expire, and I opted to renew it, I had lots of new editing options. I got to change my pics, add new ones, add more description. I couldn't find any of those options before...they had them under "Helpful Hints to Improve Your Ad", or something like that, for people whose stuff didn't sell.

So, are more than welcome to check out the bus. We sure need somebody to. Everyone says it's cool, it's beautiful, blah blah blah, BUT...

Meanwhile, an asset sits in my driveway and we are in dire need of cash.

Luna said...

Do I get a discount for cash? How about a fellow blogger-deal?

I won't take delivery until I'm ready, wouldn't want to have to store it or anything.

j-m said...

I am open to negotiations.