Monday, August 06, 2007

Taking A Little Time Out

I regret to say that I'm going to take a break from this blog for a fews days or so. I will probably still read everybody's else's, and any comments here, but won't write much.

Friday I got a call from my Dear Husband while at work. He was sobbing, having just learned that his father was dying. I came straight home, and the following 48 hours were a whirlwind of long distance calls, trying to assess the situation in Turkey, and figure out what to do next. So many decisions to make, regarding doctors, hospitals, money, etc.

By Sunday evening, things seemed to be looking up. We had researched what medical information we'd been given on the internet, and had a better idea of what we were facing. It looked like a difficult haul ahead, but not an impossible one. DH had hopes of Little Sir having many happy memories still to come with his Dede (deh-deh), Turkish for "paternal grandfather."

We started the arduous process of trying to cut through legal and international red tape, so DH could be with his father through this. Step by step, we tackled item by item.

Then DH was awakened early this morning with an awful feeling in his chest. He called Turkey, and learned his father had just had a heart attack. Shortly thereafter, my father-in-law died of a cerebral aneurysm.

I am asking for prayer for our family, and for the difficult days ahead. Also, I am asking for prayer for my husband, that he be allowed to visit with his family and be there for the appropriate mourning ceremonies, and be allowed to return here afterward. I realize the wheels of the immigration system run exceedingly slowly, but some Divine Intervention would be greatly appreciated right about now.

Thank you.


Damon Peter Rallis said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your family...

Nan Patience said...

And mine.

So sorry for your family's loss, and God speed on the red tape.

Luna said...

Hang in there, sweetie.

Natasha Beccaria said...


j-m said...

thanks. muddling thru over here.