Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Just a General Announcement...I Am Not Ready To Go Back To School!!!

Aaaaaack!!! This unseasonably cool spell we've been having is making me realize just how numbered my days of summer are. I still have so much school prep. stuff to do, and I still didn't get to do all the obligatory visiting I'd planned on, before I drop off the radar Sept. 5th.

Everything was going pretty smoothly, before my father-in-law got so sick. Since then, it's been like dominoes falling down, one after the other after the other. Every time the phone rings, I cringe. Not another crisis! No more emergencies! No more cars breaking down, no more additional paperwork requests from school, no more "oops, your daughter's financial aid didn't go through" emails, no more "You HAVE to deal with this IMMEDIATELY!" envelopes in the mail. Not another call to cancel and reschedule an appointment, just when I've got my whole calendar making sense. No more. Enough.

I want some more bubbles and beach days. Actually, I think I need a few. Or two. Or, I'd even settle for one.



Luna said...

Yeah well, guess what I'm trying to do? I need to get to the frickin bookstore at SB (the health sciences one) and I keep calling to get the hours--and they don't answer.

Was hoping to get there before everyone else does.

And I still can't get SCOPE to call me back--all I want is an application. These kids are gonna be wandering the streets after school if they don't call back.

How'd you like to have a job where "doing" that job is optional?

Get me one of those, please......

j-m said...

About the bookstore...if you have your textbook list (sometimes syllabi are available online before 1st day of classes)...usually do better ordering through Amazon online...can get used texts reaalllly cheap. I just saved about $120 doing that...and I only have 1 actual course this is all fieldwork.

I can def. relate to the nobody's-answering-the-phone. DD's school put me on hold for 40 min...just to find out from the switchboard..."there's a line out the door, wrapped around the building, so they're not even answering the phones right now." Yet, THEY want their stuff, like, yesterday.

Luna said...

JM-where would the syllibus be online? In the SOLAR system? or elsewhere?

What a PITA.......Thanks for the help though-I appreciate it!!!

j-m said...

Do you know how to get into Blackboard? That's where it should be posted, as long as your prof. is tech. savvy and uses it. Most do. You also submit papers that way (dep. on prof.) and can check grades online...which I STRONGLY recommend. Sometimes grades get entered have to stay on top of it, so there's no surprises come Mid-Terms, etc. If you check it and it's wrong, the profs are good about checking it out & fixing it.

Luna said...

JM--you've GOT to be kidding me...I just looked at that mess of a site and it's gonna take me 12 days to figure out what's going on there!

And you have to pay to use it?

My, school has changed since the days when I went. I had a Word processor and thought I was all that!

AAAGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! This is gonna take some getting used to.

Luna said...

navigating that "blackboard" situation--i got it now--I see where you don't have to pay..but..

As far as I can see, NONE of my professors use it. What did I pick the only classes that aren't on there?


Thanks for the help, hon.

j-m said...

No...never pay. I think we pay enough in student fees already, thanks. Your classes should be listed there, even if the profs aren't using it actively. You could call/email the dept. and ask them...the main secretary should know...ask about Blackboard with those profs, and also about each couldn't hurt to ask.