Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day

I realize the solemnity of Memorial Day, and I do honor those to whom honor is due.

But, this year, contrary to my normal practice, I think I will actually take some time off. Not the whole 3 days, but at least one. I'm cooking up a plan...
I'll keep ya posted.

What are you doing this weekend? (And please, don't everybody say "working"!)


Nan Patience said...

yardwork, parties, family time...

j-m said...

Little Sir and I checked out the street mosaic fair on Main St. in Riverhead yesterday. It was very cool. It definitely gets better every year! Saw some old frineds, too, which is always nice, and the music was wonderful.

Today, DH, Little Sir and I went to the Bronx Zoo (a first for both of them.) As we were going against the flow of traffic both ways, we made record time going and coming! Awesome. What a lovely day, overall. Then, in late afternoon, when DH went to work, DD, Little Sir and I played in the yard, made a fun dinner together, played outside some more, went for a long bike ride/walk, then ended up at Dairyland for a treat.

A very happy Memorial Day weekend, overall.

Natasha Beccaria said...

I usually go to that festival JM but we've just had enough of public appearances. We stayed up and did yardwork, watched a couple of movies and sat on the porch.

Where is Dairyland???

Natasha Beccaria said...

stayed "HOME" is what i meant to say. My brain isnt talking to my fingers today.

j-m said...

Dairyland is an ice cream store on Rt. 58, Riverhead, just east of the light at 105, on the south side of the street. Used to be across the street from a farm, but I'm not sure it's a farm any more. Next to a tiny storefront church, just before Homeside Florist. (How's that for directions?)

I think they carry Hershey's ice cream. It's good. Our favorite.

Natasha Beccaria said...

ahhh yes ok... you mean west of 105. I know that place. I forgot about it. We usually went to Snowflake.

Mom of 3 said...

Fun!! We had a picinic with some of our friends and neighbors. It was DH's birthday, the perfect excuse for a party!

j-m said...

Yes, Natasha...I meant west (that's what happens when I type too fast...also just see I misspelled "friends".)

Yay, Momof3...picnics are fun!