Wednesday, July 02, 2008

More Battles With Nature

So, I had decided to make our poor, sad neglected yard prettier this year, safer to play in, and more productive! It's been a battle with the various creatures and nuisance plants, but we've carved out a few garden areas with some veggies and flowers, and it's starting to look like we've done something!

Well, 2 nights in a row, I heard distinctive munching noises outside the window by my computer, which just happens to overlook a garden. I turned on the outside lights, and it stopped. Another time, I actually went out and yelled and lectured. I had pretty good idea it was the woodchuck that had taken residence under our porch...hibernated for last winter, I think, and decided to stay.

So, this morning, I went out to water, and noticed my 2 biggest tomatoes, still very green, were half eaten. Then, I saw ALL my beautiful cucumber leaves...the best part of my garden so far...they were perfect, and just starting to flower...had been eaten off. All I have is a sad empty vine!


So, I went through the phone book for nuisance animal pest control. The town doesn't deal with woodchucks (didn't think so,but it was worth a shot.) The other guy who called back said it's about $550 to remove it.

$550 to be able to grow my own I really think I'm gonna raise $550 worth of vegetables? No.

Ok. On to plan B.

I don't have a plan B.

Does anybody out there have a plan B?

(and please don't suggest I buy a dog or cat. No thanks.)

I just want to keep my garden that we've worked so hard on.


Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

jm - did you try my idea about the hair clippings? Cayenne pepper also works. You just have to reapply the pepper every time it rains. Sprinkle it on damp veges/leaves and the animals stay away.

Nan Patience said...

That's so aggravating! Plan B: get a 22.


j-m said...

Hey Anon Blggr: I was just thinking about you and your hair clippings tip, and had planned to go on your blog tonite and ask if it worked for you. I'm thinking it must've worked, since you mention it again. Cayenne, huh? I have some red hot sauce I was thinking about...but was afraid it might hurt the plant instead of keep the varmints away. Cayenne how? Powdered???

Nan...that's actually what my dad said...and he wasn't kidding. I'm asking around to borrow a have-a-heart trap. That's more my speed.

Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

Yes, cayenne pepper in powered form. That worked on so many plants. The problem is reapplying it and keeping up with it. After a while though the animals lose interest, but it is a matter of who loses interest first, you or them!!

I have a water bottle filled with water, I spray the fruit and/or leaves with water, and sprinkle on the pepper. They will most likely smell it and stay away. They may taste it and stay away too.

Hair clippings are easier, but only work on certain animals, like rabbits. The deer don't care.

My woodchuck made a home last summer under the perennial herbs and killed everything that I worked so hard on. I flooded him out with a hose. He didn't come back this year.

j-m said...

I'm gonna try the cayenne pepper. I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks!