Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Pink Panther

I have been reading blog entries and other things about writer's block (or "blog block" as "Six" calls it.) I don't exactly have writer's block...I have started several things, blogs, lesson plans for my portfolio, papers for college, and otherwise, but am having trouble finishing what I've started. So, we have drafts, works in progress.

But, I have been of the things I love about having a 4-year-old is that I get to experience things I loved as kid all over again. I loved the Winnie-the-Pooh books, movies
(especially the relationship between Tigger and Roo), and other paraphanalia. I liked slinkies and coloring books, building with blocks, dressing up in all kinds of costumes. And my favorite character was the Pink Panther.

Now, originally, if I recall correctly, he started out as a cartoon character who dragged the credits across the screen for the Peter Sellers movies (the real "Pink Panther" was a diamond.) I was really little, and probably saw the movies from the backseat of the car at Flanders Drive-In, and most likely fell asleep before the movies were over. But the Henry Mancini theme song really caught me, and my parents got a Mancini album, which we'd play on the hi-fi. (yes, I am dating myself, here.) Mom would put on a stack of records, and we'd dance around the house. My dad and I had a special little Pink Panther dance we would do. I loved it. Then, the Pink Panther got his own cartoon slots, which developed into a show, and so on.

Well, I was looking for something to keep Little Sir 4-Year-Old busy at the doctor's office, and found a Pink Panther coloring book. He loved it, and we have spent many happy moments sitting together going through that book. I am not the world's best artist, but I can color more-or-less in the lines, so we do ok.

Now, what is it about the Pink Panther that I love so much? It's definitely the music, without a doubt. But what else? He never speaks, but gets one-up on the bad guys, just like Road Runner. He's clever, a little sneaky, and knows how to get back up after being clobbered. Now, if I was taking some psych. class or something, maybe I'd do some sort of paper analyzing all this. For now, I'll be non-academic for a change, and just color with Little Sir. (Hey, do you know how many different versions of pink there are in a Crayola crayon box?)


Nan Patience said...

I'm liking the pink lettering scheme on this post.

Big Daddy and I love the Pink Panther movies. Something about them is so romantic. I love when he talks to me all Peter Sellers-y.

j-m said...

Thank you! I wasn't sure if it would be difficult to read...tried to do a pink background, instead, but ended up with this.

I'm thinking it's time to go to the library and get the movies out. Little Sir (whose newest venture is karate class) would probably get a kick out of it, too.

And maybe I can find some PP cartoons, too!

Luna said...

Those are some pretty good observations about the character..nice work. And yeah, when you put it like you did, I guess I'd have to like him too!