Monday, October 01, 2007

A Tribute to Fresh Tuna

I just had a wonderful dinner, and thought I'd share...

Bought enough fresh fish Sunday to take us through the middle of the week. (I hate supermarket shopping, and do as little of it as the farmstands and fish man, instead, whenever I can.) Tonight's entree was fresh tuna. I came home around 8:30 p.m., exhausted, and not energetic enough to make anything elaborate. I threw Little Sir (who barely touched his dinner at the babysitter's) in the tub, then threw the fresh tuna steaks in a frypan, lightly buttered enough to not stick, then generously sprinkled teriyaki over them. When half-way done, I flipped them over, and threw some frozen peas in with them. A true lazy woman's dinner. Made a quick salad, grabbed Little Sir, dried him and handed him p.j.s, put fresh Portuguese bread and grape juice on the table and "Voila!" I was done.

I thought my last minute-thrown-together-dinner was delicious, but then, I was so hungry and tired, I was past caring. Little Sir, on the other hand, is about the pickiest eater I've ever seen. He devoured everything on his plate. Then he asked for a banana for dessert. I am a happy Mama.

There's enough left over for DH's dinner tomorrow. (He is working the night shift.) It just doesn't get any better than this.

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