Thursday, October 18, 2007

Re-Discovery of Blegchhh!

"How is student-teaching going?" you ask. Well...I am in a kindergarten for now...going to a high school placement soon. I love the school I'm in, my cooperating teacher is great, the relationship between teachers is wonderful and supportive, there is a strong home/school connection and much outreach to the parents/community. I have survived my initial official observations, and have more to come. I have submitted my resume (which I am constantly revising) to some districts, and went on my first job interview yesterday. There is definitely light at the end of this particular tunnel (and it is NOT a train.) All looks well.


I am also re-discovering Blegchhh. Yes. Blegchhh. That is the official term (which I have just invented) for the feeling one gets while working with very small people, who are as yet naive to the social graces of:
covering one's mouth when one sneezes
covering one's mouth when one coughs
using a tissue, when appropriate (as opposed to one's sleeve, or someone else's...)
discarding said tissue in an appropriate container
WASHING ONE'S HANDS THOROUGHLY, so as not to spread icky germs

These same small people are quite affectionate, and not averse to giving spontaneous hugs and kisses, thereby further spreading icky germs.

Blegchhh has been invading my psyche and my personal space. I am aware of its particular greenish cloud out of the corner of my eye, creeping up on me. As these small people, and others, around me in this new work environment complain of headaches, tummy aches, fatigue, and a general feeling of malaise, I have an almost uncontrollable desire to swallow large doses of Vitamin C, echinacea and goldenseal, and whatever else they put in those Airbourne tablets. (I do find that sparkling beverage a bit nauseating, but better to chug it down, and have eight ounces of prevention, so to speak, then massive doses of DayQuil/NyQuil and other OTC remedies later.)

And now Blegchhh has invaded my home. Even though I have been faithfully scrubbing my hands with soap and hot water after every "small people" session, and after touching doorknobs and other public items in the workplace, and regularly using the antibacterial gel in my totebag, my poor DH and Little Sir are down with symptoms of the not-so-niceness I've been hearing complaints about. I was up at 3:30 a.m., dispensing preventions and cures, and then started a big crockpot of homemade chicken soup, with lots of vitamin-rich veggies.

Blegchh is not going to win, here! We will triumph!


Nan Patience said...

I was just saying the other day how my kids haven't been getting sick the last couple of years (knock on wood). They're a little older, swap a little less fluid, and I think their immune systems are stronger, having been through all that stuff.

Yep, it's hand washing season, folks!

j-m said...

I just heard a report on NPR about the new Super Bugs, that are manifesting in killer ear infections in little kids that are resistant to all known antibiotics, up in Rochester. Oh goody.

j-m said...

Oh...and if you think your little one may have an ear infection, don't to the dr. and have his ears tapped to check for the super bug. It can result in permanent hearing loss. That's pretty scary. (just Google "Super Bugs, ear infection" and all kinds of things pop up on the recent AMA journal's announcement.)

Luna said...

You know, I get it with the kids, but I'd like to point out that there are many adults that aren't much better. Ever have someone hacking all over the place in an office? Blegchhh.

j-m said...

Blegchhh, indeed.

Luna said...

More blegchh today in class...some chick behind me was hacking--I swear it was on my hair. I was physically moving away. I felt bad, but I can't handle that. YICK.

j-m said...

Yeah. I had a kid literally cough into my mouth the other day...I felt like I'd swallowed the warmth of his breath. YUCK!!!!! I was totally grossed out. Within the hour, I'd gotten some store=brand Airbourne, mixed it and chugged it down.

It's a miracle we don't all have the flu or something.