Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Procrastinating Again

Ok...I've read everybody's blogs and commented where I found something vaguely appropriate to say. I've cleaned out junk email and done a survey. I went through the mail from the real-life mailbox (mostly junk) and done a load of laundry.

I am tempted to reread the blogs to see if anything new's posted.

I have homework to do and I just don't wanna do it. I just can't make my mind settle into it, much less open the required books, plug in the flashdrive, put paper in the printer, and ink, or anything else required to do this chore. If I was one of my kids I'd get on my case about this. I just don't wanna do it. I know I will be sorry tomorrow.



Nan Patience said...

Just loading the paper could take you a while.

j-m said...

Of course, because when I do, I will have to deal with the dust bunnies that I know are lurking behind the printer, and below it where the ream of paper is stored. And once you get started, you might as well keep going. Can't have a partially clean desk. And then, the eyes wander upward to that corner of the ceiling where certainly a spider web is hiding, waiting to be vacuumed.
And then...

5 a.m was created for just such occurrences. Nothing like a bright and early homework session.

Natasha Beccaria said...

been there.

Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

Homework and papers are the reason why I don't want to go back to school. Writing 15 page papers at this stage in my life wouldn't happen. Just the thought of it brings back memories that I don't want to remember...I feel for you and yes, there is nothing like writing a paper at 5am or even 4am. My best work used to happen the day that it was due, I just can't do that to myself. Good Luck! Or should I ask, How did it turn out?

j-m said...

As it turns out, I do my best work in the middle of the night. I have always been that way, since high school. It's quiet, no distractions, and I'm something of a night owl by nature (even tho' my real life schedule doesn't permit my body to operate according to my personal circadian rhythms.)

I ended up being wide awake around 3 a.m., with ideas buzzing in my head for the assignment, so I went right to it, and it came out great. Got an "A." Now, had I pushed myself and done it the day before, uninspired as I was, I'd've been interrupted several times and done a crappy job.

And so it goes.