Saturday, August 02, 2008


Well, July has come and gone, and it's all been a blur. I distinctly remember going to see the 4th of July fireworks (on the 5th of July), but, other than that, all I actually remember doing is working, working, working and spending a little occasional down time with my kids.

I did have one visit with a friend, but it was to prepare me for an upcoming interview (she very professionally grilled me on my interviewing techniques, and gave me a mock interview. Very helpful. Constructive criticism is a very good thing.)

My summer job has taken up way more of my time than I had thought it would. I had wanted to go to the beach after work yesterday, but the reports from everyone on excessive jellyfish at the bay, and really scary rip currents at the ocean made me think twice. So, we visited my dad instead (haven't done that in a long time, either) which is always a good thing, and Little Sir got to mosey around his yard, watering everything in sight (including shooting the hose at a woodpecker at the suet feeder. Tsk tsk.)

On the one hand, DH and I have been doing a pretty good job of achieving our debt-erasure goals for this summer...paid off one loan, and are chipping away at my college loans. That eases the burden, that ever-present weight on our shoulders. (It felt reallllly good to make that one final payment!) But, on the other hand, summer is supposed to be memory-building family time, and we've missed doing so many things I used to find time for. Now that it's the beginning of August, I have to make a conscious effort to get to free stuff we like...the outdoor concerts, library events, parks and beaches as weather permits. I do not want this to be remembered as the Summer-Mommy-Only-Worked.

I am open to suggestions...if you hear of any good free family things, let me know! (Yes, I do check out North Fork Parents!)


Nan Patience said...

Let me know when you've figured this out. Having a similar summer.

Natasha Beccaria said...

The park in my town does weekly movies...shakespeare in the park... concerts.. LOVE IT. I havent had time for ANY of it though. Ive spent the whole summer laying on my depressing.

Peconic Land Trust does some cool stuff throughout the summer ...some free.. and some really cheap ($5 pp).