Thursday, January 24, 2008

Peter and the Wolf

Wanna come visit my world for a minute? I'll give you the guided tour.

I am sitting at the computer (obviously) after a looong day, hot cup of tea nearby to warm me up after freeeeezing myself outside running stupid errands after all my professional appointments. (My feet never stay warm in dress shoes, even tho' I blast the car heat on them in between stops.) The tea is also a good remedy for jangled nerves, the result of professional-and-other related events of the day. I am checking the professional email, and dealing with all those messages. Then on to the personal email, getting rid of junk (just as much as in my regular mailbox!), answering who I can briefly.

DH is off at work, and Little Sir is bopping all around the house, occupying himself with one thing then another.

All of a sudden I realize, he is humming, at the top of his lungs (yes, this is possible) the various tunes in "Peter and the Wolf".

Ah, yes. I have succeeded in raising a cultured 4-year-old. Well, pat me on the back.


I deserve this tea.


Luna said...

Kudos to you Jean is NOT an easy thing to bring real culture to our kids in a society where most kids think the Disney Channel is a fine theatrical experience.

j-m said...

LOL! Yes, and a Rugrats book is NOT great literature.