Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Little People and Picnics

I don't know if it's the idea of the blanket and the picnic basket and all the visions conjured up by Yogi Bear and other cartoons, but little kids always seem enamored of picnics. Even the most simplified ones, just out in the yard. Little Sir has been asking for a picnic for quite awhile...he's even satisfied with one on a blanket on the living room floor. So, the other day, after a particularly long stretch of busy-ness, where I kinda felt like he was getting the short end of the stick, real-mommy-attention-wise, I decided to have a real picnic out on the front lawn. We had so much fun, just we two. And it really wasn't any more work than eating in the kitchen. Somehow, we talked more, too...in the kitchen, he always wants to take 2 bites then run off and play, and I have this ongoing battle of keeping him in seat to eat a little more. (He thinks 1 baby carrot is enough for dinner.) So, we tried a new twist...one of these really hot, muggy evenings, we had dessert outside in the yard, where it was 'way cooler than in the house. We stayed out in the yard 'til the fireflies started their light show, and the bats just started to be visible. So peaceful out there. Nice. Very nice.


Luna said...

You're lucky you have an outdoor kid. My picnics usually end with someone screaming "BUGS!"

Uhh...yeah..bugs live outside, girls.


Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

My kids love to eat outside too, until the bees & wasps come and join us. Sitting on the lawn is not for me, but sitting on the patio is so much better for everyone. We even do the family room floor picnic which is special because I (normally) never allow eating in any room but the kitchen/dining room.

What is really good is a beach picnic with the spouse (no kids), the last one we had included wine, chicken, and donuts during a sunset!

We are overdue for a picnic, maybe in a few days, thanks for the idea :-)

j-m said...

You're very welcome.

j-m said...

I also don't appreciate sharing our food with bugs. It hasn't been yellow-jacket season here, yet, and I guess the wind was just right to keep the flies away. I remember eating dinner out on the picnic table in the backyard, as a kid, and seeing the yellow jackets eating the corn and the meat. Yuck.

Sunset beach dinners are the best! Last year, we used to meet DH at Meschutt Beach in Hampton Bays, which has live music on the boardwalk almost every evening. It was lovely! And parking is free after 4 pm (it's a County park.)