Sunday, July 26, 2009

Going to Sivas

It has been unbelievably hot in Istanbul. I talked to my dad on the computer (webcam) and he did the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit...said, "That can't be's 103!" I said, "Yeah, that's about right. And it's humid, too." You just about get out of the shower and dressed, and you have rivers of sweat running down your face and back again.

But, after massive packing and re-packing we are on our way to Sivas, to Zara, the mountain village where mıl and fıl are from. Even though we are going to a house, it's like preparing for camping. I dıdn't realize before, they take food, too, as the house is pretty far from markets. Local farmers come regularly with milk and eggs, but I don't think much else. We'll see.

I'll be without internet for 10 days or so, but I'll keep a journal, and post blog entries, hopefully with pıctures, later!

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