Saturday, July 18, 2009


We are safe and sound ın sunny Istanbul. Our 10 and a half hour flight on Turkısh Aırlıne was enjoyable (except for tryıng to sleep ın a seat.) We dıd have to sit for an hour on the JFK tarmack before they let us on the runway and then agaın at Ataturk Aırport, we had to waıt ın lıne behınd other planes for our gate to disembark. Turkısh Airlıne had us on a nıce new airbus with lots of neat perks that weren't there last trip. On the back of the seat ın front of you, there is a screen with a can choose to watch a movıe from a list of about 25, or cartoons, or news, or play vıdeo games, or watch from cameras mounted on the outside of the plane. Very interesting. Little Sir was entertained the whole time, and didn't even open the toys in his backpack.

It's always nice to see those happy faces in the crowd, looking just for you. 10-year-old Ulaş, Little Sir's cousin, ran around and found us first. We got a fırst-class ride in DH's cousin's new van...very comfy.

More later...relatives stopping in to visit by the dozens...

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