Thursday, June 28, 2007

Eight Below

I know it's the beginning of summer, but sometimes I like to watch off-season flicks. I have wanted to see this one ever since I saw the previews for it, and just never did. As a child, I had a fascination for huskies, Alaska, Inuits, and all things related. I had a fantasy of being in the Iditarod.

Well, that never happened, and I never got a husky (most of my life, I've lived places with "no dogs allowed," or other life-things prevented it,) but the fascination still remains. For those not as behind the times as I am, Eight Below is a Disney movie (with real people) based on a true story of a guide's dog-sled team. I get so emotionally involved in things like this. I know, it's corny, but I do.

Anybody who has a soft spot for animals, the snowy lands, or just a good story, check it out.


Luna said...

Sounds like something my daughter would realy like-thanks for the recomendation.

"Black Snake Moan" comes out on DVD soon (Tuesday?) and I am DYING to see that one-supposed to be really good.....think I'll make the effort to rent that right away.

j-m said...

I like Samuel L. Jackson (him, right?), but the trailer I saw was very brief and looked a little it supposed to be? Is she a prisoner or something?

Luna said...

Nah-it's not scary. Here's the deal-she (Christina Ricci) is a trashy young girl who is doing all sorts of bad things, I think he saves her from being raped or something like that-she keeps putting herself in harm's way.

He takes her in, and tried to whip her into shape (figuratively). He winds up chaining her around the waist so she can't run away and go back to her errant ways.

I think it's a dark film, but the characters are benevolent. It got really great reviews, but I think the public thought it was creepy (and it kind of is, I guess) but I'm totally interested.

I really like movies where people of different backgrounds/ages/races learn from one another. Was just thinking about "Pay it Forward" recently-THAT was a fantastic movie too-again-a lot of learning.

Anyhow, I plan on enting black snake, so, I'll blog about it with my reviw when I've seen it.

Luna said...

"renting black snake" I meant

j-m said...

so, I thought...
I had this chorus of "The Ents go marching one by one, hurrah! hurrah!" going through my head. You know, my life has a soundtrack.