Thursday, June 21, 2007


Just so my education is well-rounded and complete, I have recently acquainted myself with Spider-Man. Yes, I know. It's a bit out of character. I have never been the super-hero, comic book type, but it was necessary.

While in Turkey, Little Sir was introduced to Spidey by a cousin (apparently they had a pirated copy, of 3, as it's still in theatres here...had Turkish subtitles.) Of course, I am a conscientious parent and wanted to see what he was watching, so watched it, too. He became hooked...caught in the web, so to speak. Suddenly, he was jumping all over, shooting webs. Well, as there were elements to the story I didn't understand, I decided to be a good student, do my research, and view S-2 and that order. I know this is unconventional, but since I saw 3 first, it seemed logical. Number One Son, seeing Little Sir's new interest, gave him 1 & 2 as birthday gifts, and we have spent part of our R & R watching them. Little Sir has also acquired a Spider-Man suit, complete with hood, for appropriate viewing (Little Sir PARTICIPATES in movies...he rarely just sits and watches...he is part of the experience...the couch becomes a building to be jumped off of, webs are shot into corners of the ceilings, appropriate sound effects are made, etc.) He has reinforced his love of the name "Peter"...he often introduces himself as "Peter"...first it was Peter Rabbit, then Peter Pevensie, then other Peters in books we'd read, Peter Parker.

As there are portions a bit too intense for him (and for me), we use the fast-forward button to skip scenes that may be nightmare-inducing (we've used this technique for years, so the kids can enjoy lots of movies that are otherwise great, but have some scenes I don't want them to see until they are older.)

I feel my life is complete now. I have viewed the whole saga. I do not feel the need to follow up with the series of Superman and Batman films, or others of the genre. This is representative enough. I can safely enter the public school classroom now, knowing, without a doubt, that I am now fully qualified to understand the pre-pubescent mind.


Luna said...

Alrighteee--isn't this last spider man flick the one with the suit that you can't get off?

Isn't it like, your vengeance or jealousy or something that gives you the "skin" that you can't get off? Help me out here......

j-m said...

Umm...maybe I missed that...I don't think so...
He faces several past foes all at once, in this one, and resolves things with Harry (Green Goblin's son.)

Luna said...

I could have sworn he had some kind of lizard skin or something--go ask your 4 yesr old-LOL. He'll know.

j-m said...

You may be right. Perhaps I am not such a good student, after all. (To be honest, I don't really enjoy this sort of thing...I was initially roped-into watching, because he was so anxious to, and being a "responsible mother"...sigh...I watched with the kiddies...but, I admit, I had a more interesting book on my lap, so when it wasn't sounding scary, or looking particularly interesting to me...I might've...sortof...

j-m said...

The next time he watches (as we must view things over and over and over), I will be more attentive, and get back to you.