Sunday, June 17, 2007

Post-Travel R & R

I read, in Shape magazine, that you shouldn't plan to arrive home from vacation the day before you have to go back to work. If you do, many of the de-stressing benefits you had gained may be wiped out. They advise giving yourself a cushion of time to re-adjust, get unpacked, laundry done, house back in order and all that, before you dive back in.

I, unintentionally, have followed this advice. I had planned on going back to teaching (which I do privately), and dealing with Stony Brook stuff after one day back, but everybody else's schedule hasn't worked that way. Graduations, Regents, communions, etc. have everybody running in circles and don't have time for a music, I am slowly getting back in sinc with my real life here.

I am amazed at how tired I have been. I don't know if this is part of jet early afternoon I have no energy at all. Little Sir and I have done the bare minimum in the afternoons, and have borrowed a few videos from the library to just vegetate with. We eat a light dinner and go to bed early (DH works the 3pm-12 shift.) I am slowly getting the house back the way I want it (which includes a long-delayed Spring cleaning...while it's still Spring!) Maybe I felt this way before (this is my 3rd annual trip overseas...normally they're only about 10 days, tho'), but I always broke the Shape rule and dove right back into college and work the day after coming back. Maybe I was so busy, I didn't give myself time to think and even realize that I was tired. Maybe it's the pollen, which makes lovely greenish clouds in my shady backyard whenever the wind blows, and has clogged my more thing to do. Maybe it's being lazy, not actually having a strict schedule to adhere to. I don't know.

I am proud to announce that I have finally completely emptied the tote-bag-full of mail DH had saved for me, and more or less dealt with all of it. I have read all my back issues of local newspapers that he saved for me, and have digested the school districts news and how it affects us (we both work in more than 1 district.) I cleaned off the top of the microwave, which somehow had become a storing place for prescriptions and other medicines this past semester...tossed a lot. I've cleaned the lighting track over the kitchen workspace and replaced bulbs (after 2 trips to Home Depot.) I have made healthful meals from the odds and ends of veggies that were left in the frig, and visited our local farm for fresh produce (yay STRAWBERRIES! As good as Turkish produce is, I missed our L.I. strawberries...they just taste better to me.) I worked almost a full day Saturday, and have half-way tackled my summer lesson schedule, which I really can't finish 'til all the students' parents get back to me...I like to make my schedule geographically sensible, as well as workable for all those involved (I drive from house to house teaching, mostly.) I have dealt with the recyclables that had been stored in the shed, and have been properly creeped out by the gypsy worms that have tried to decimate the big maple out back...evidence of them is EVERYWHERE. Yuck.

Ok. That's enough effort for now. DH is enjoying soccer on t.v. as part of the Father's Day celebration. I'm ready for a nap.


Luna said...

Yipes-sounds like a lot of stuff for you--but you do sound like you're getting there, and that's an accomplishment-especially with a 4 year old---remember that very well.

Cut yourself some slack, woman: these things take time!

j-m said...

I found out late last night that a friend from Fla. is coming to visit, overnight, Sat. So...I really have to finish the kitchen (we have the laudry area there, and that's piled with stuff) and Little Sir's room, which doubles as the guest room. 2 suitcases are there, waiting to be dealt with, and other stuff. Oh well. I have found, actually, that having visitors pushes me to clean better than at my own leisurely pace...nothing like seeing it thru someone else's eyes (yikes!)