Thursday, June 14, 2007

Timothy Hill Children's Ranch

I just received this in my email and thought I'd share it. For those who don't know about the Timothy Hill Ranch, they are a great local program, a working ranch, for troubled kids...check them out. Plus...get plants cheap!

Timothy Hill Children's Ranch needs help. We are in dire need of your help purchasing plants in the greenhouse. These are plants that the children helped grow through the Spring and we will lose them if we can't sell them. Please ask your friends, family, neighbors, etc. if they would like to purchase any. We are selling them for 50% off our normal prices (our cost). If we can't sell them within the month, it looks like we will take a substantial loss in our vocational training program. Please also keep this situation in your prayers.

To purchase plants, please visit our greenhouse at 298 Middle Road, Riverhead between 9-5, M-F. God bless!

Thank you,

James Hill

Timothy Hill Children's Ranch
631.369.1234 ext.220 Office
631.767.9667 Cell
631.369.0130 Fax


Nan Patience said...

sounds like a win-win to me! thanks for the info

j-m said...


Anonymous said...

Whats Timothy's Birthday date?